NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Mercury (Hg) 

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Energy Levels of Singly Ionized Mercury ( Hg II )

Configuration        Term     J     Level(cm-1) Ref.

5d10(1S)6s 2S 1/2 0.000 SR01 5d96s2 2D 5/2 35514.624 SR01 3/2 50555.567 SR01 5d10(1S)6p 2 1/2 51486.070 SR01 3/2 60608.362 SR01 5d9(2D5/2)6s6p(30) (5/2,0)° 5/2 79705.262 SR01 5d9(2D5/2)6s6p(31) (5/2,1)° 7/2 84212.404 SR01 5/2 84836.143 SR01 3/2 86178.478 SR01 5d9(2D5/2)6s6p(32) (5/2,2)° 9/2 91139.508 SR01 3/2 94092.834 SR01 7/2 95187.361 SR01 5/2 95304.138 SR01 1/2 96187.932 SR01 5d10(1S)7s 2S 1/2 95714.406 SR01 5d10(1S)6d 2D 3/2 104984.138 SR01 5/2 105544.042 SR01 5d10(1S)7p 2 1/2 108298.183 SR01 3/2 111971.464 SR01 5d10(1S)5f 2 7/2 123153.775 SR01 5/2 123411.351 SR01 --------------------------------------------- Hg III (1S0) Limit 151284.4 SR01

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableMercury Atomic DataMercury Strong LinesMercury Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Mercury Neutral Atom Energy LevelsMercury Singly Ionized Persistent LinesMercury Singly Ionized Energy LevelsMercury References
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