NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Mercury (Hg) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableMercury Atomic DataMercury Strong LinesMercury Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Mercury Neutral Atom Energy LevelsMercury Singly Ionized Persistent LinesMercury Singly Ionized Energy LevelsMercury References
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Persistent Lines of Neutral Mercury ( Hg I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki         Energy          Configuration       Term        J   Line    Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)    Levels (cm-1)                                       Ref.    Ref.
1000 1849.499 7.46 0.000 5d10(1S)6s2 1S 0 WA63 M00 54068.781 5d10(1S)6s6p 1 1 1000 2536.517 0.080 0.000 5d10(1S)6s2 1S 0 BAL50 FW96 39412.300 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 1 250 2967.280 0.45 37645.080 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 0 BAL50 FW96 71336.164 5d10(1S)6s6d (1/2,3/2) 1 600 3650.153 1.3 44042.977 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 2 BAL50 FW96 71431.311 5d10(1S)6s6d (1/2,5/2) 3 400 4046.563 0.21 37645.080 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 0 BAL50 FW96 62350.456 5d10(1S)6s7s 3S 1 1000 4358.328 0.557 39412.300 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 1 BAL50 FW96 62350.456 5d10(1S)6s7s 3S 1 500 5460.735 0.487 44042.977 5d10(1S)6s6p 3 2 BAL50 FW96 62350.456 5d10(1S)6s7s 3S 1 200 10139.76 0.271 54068.781 5d10(1S)6s6p 1 1 BAL50 FW96 63928.243 5d10(1S)6s7s 1S 0

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableMercury Atomic DataMercury Strong LinesMercury Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Mercury Neutral Atom Energy LevelsMercury Singly Ionized Persistent LinesMercury Singly Ionized Energy LevelsMercury References
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