Searchable bibliography on the constants
The database may be searched in two stages. In the first stage,
a paper may be found based on one or more of the following:
- words that appear in the title or keywords that have been assigned to the paper;
- name of an author; or
- year of publication.
To allow for misspellings and typos, users may include similar
spellings for the word and author searches. Moreover, the search
may be restricted further at this stage by distinguishing between
experimental and theoretical papers and/or between original research
and review papers.
In the second stage, a paper may be found based on one of the
- any of the keywords that have been assigned to the papers obtained
in the first stage search;
- authors of those papers; or
- the authors' institutions (Note: If an institution is not given for an author, then it was unavailable.)
To search for papers, enter or select one or more of the items on the Search Form; empty fields and unselected
boxes will not influence your search. All fields are case insensitive.
- Words/keywords separated by a space are selected as a boolean and; for example
would only return citations of papers that include both of these
words distributed in any way between the title or assigned keywords.
To match greek letters, simply spell them out. The option to "allow
similar spelling" will match words and keywords with slight spelling
variation; however, this may yield an excessive number of matches.
- Authors (use last names) are selected as a boolean or; for example
would return citations of papers that have either or both of these
names among the authors. The option to "allow similar spelling"
will match authors with slight spelling variation; however, this may yield an excessive number of matches.
- Years are written out in full; for example
Publications may be limited to a single year by entering that
year in either the "from" or "to" field, or in both.
- A search may be further limited to either experimental or theoretical papers, and/or to either
original research or review papers, by selecting the appropriate
boxes or box on the search form. Note, however, that no limit
is imposed on the search if neither box of a pair is selected,
or if both boxes of a pair are selected.
- The result of a search will be a list of citations of the papers in the database that
satisfy all of the selected criteria.