NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Uranium (U) 

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableUranium Atomic DataUranium Strong LinesUranium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Uranium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsUranium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesUranium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsUranium References
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Persistent Lines of Neutral Uranium ( U I )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki         Energy          Configuration      Term    J   Line     Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)    Levels (cm-1)                                  Ref.     Ref.
500 3489.3672 0.13 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 SPMR72 M00 28650.294 5 500 3514.6107 0.12 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 SPMR72 M00 28444.517 5 400 3561.8038 0.057 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 SPMR72 M00 28067.646 5 700 3566.5909 0.24 620.323 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5K° 5 SPMR72 M00 28650.294 5 1000 3584.8774 0.19 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 SPMR72 M00 27886.995 5f36d27p 7N 7 300 3659.1548 620.323 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5K° 5 SPMR72 27941.253 6 600 3811.9911 0.16 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 SPMR72 M00 26225.569 6 400 3839.6255 3800.829 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 7 SPMR72 29837.643 7 500 3871.0353 0.19 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 PKE80 M00 25825.565 6 400 3943.8161 0.21 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 PKE80 M00 25348.977 6 300 4042.7496 620.323 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5K° 5 PKE80 25348.977 6 300 4153.9710 0.12 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 PKE80 M00 24066.566 7 120 4156.6483 620.323 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5K° 5 PKE80 24671.388 6 130 4355.7400 620.323 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5K° 5 PKE80 23572.086 6 130 4362.0510 0.11 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 PKE80 M00 22918.553 5f36d7s7p 5L 7 70 5915.385 0.045 0.000 5f3(4I°)6d7s2 5L° 6 PKE80 M00 16900.386 5f36d7s7p 7M 7

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableUranium Atomic DataUranium Strong LinesUranium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Uranium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsUranium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesUranium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsUranium References
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