NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Thulium (Tm) 

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Persistent Lines of Singly Ionized Thulium ( Tm II )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki          Energy          Configuration            Term         J   Line    Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)     Levels (cm-1)                                             Ref.    Ref.
800 3131.26 1.06 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 31926.82 4f125d6s 5 400 3362.61 0.934 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 29967.17 4f125d6s 2 700 3425.08 0.652 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 29424.98 4f125d6s 3 600 3441.50 0.560 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 29285.72 4f136p 2 600 3453.66 0.266 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 29183.39 4f125d6s 4 1000 3462.20 0.540 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 28875.12 4f125d6s 5 500 3700.26 0.223 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 27254.42 4f125d6s 4 400 3701.36 0.157 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 27009.39 4f125d6s 4 700 3761.33 0.351 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 26578.77 4f12(3F)6s2 3F 3 500 3761.91 0.194 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 26574.66 4f125d6s 4 800 3795.75 0.300 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 26574.66 4f125d6s 4 1000 3848.02 0.466 0.00 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 4 MCS75 WL97 25980.02 4f136p 3 300 4242.15 0.0465 236.95 4f13(27/2)6s1/2 (7/2,1/2)° 3 MCS75 WL97 23803.28 4f125d6s 4

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableThulium Atomic DataThulium Strong LinesThulium Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Thulium Neutral Atom Energy LevelsThulium Singly Ionized Persistent LinesThulium Singly Ionized Energy LevelsThulium References
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