NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Silicon (Si) 

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Persistent Lines of Singly Ionized Silicon ( Si II )

Int.    Wavelength   Aki        Energy          Configuration     Term    J     Line   Aki
           (Å)       (108s-1)   Levels (cm-1)                                   Ref.   Ref.
300 1190.4160 6.86 0.00 3s2(1S)3p 21/2 KE74 M03 84004.26 3s3p2 2P 3/2 700 1193.2898 27.3 0.00 3s2(1S)3p 21/2 KE74 M03 83801.95 3s3p2 2P 1/2 800 1194.5004 34.0 287.24 3s2(1S)3p 23/2 KE74 M03 84004.26 3s3p2 2P 3/2 500 1260.4223 24.7 0.00 3s2(1S)3p 21/2 KE74 M03 79338.50 3s2(1S)3d 2D 3/2 1000 1264.7379 29.3 287.24 3s2(1S)3p 23/2 KE74 M03 79355.02 3s2(1S)3d 2D 5/2 300 1533.4318 7.50 287.24 3s2(1S)3p 23/2 KE74 M03 65500.47 3s2(1S)4s 2S 1/2 100 3856.017 55325.18 3s3p2 2D 5/2 S61b 81251.32 3s2(1S)4p 23/2 50 4128.067 79338.50 3s2(1S)3d 2D 3/2 S61b 103556.16 3s2(1S)4f 25/2 70 4130.893 79355.02 3s2(1S)3d 2D 5/2 S61b 103556.03 3s2(1S)4f 27/2 130 5041.026 0.98 81191.34 3s2(1S)4p 21/2 S61b FW96 101023.05 3s2(1S)4d 2D 3/2 130 5055.981 1.26 81251.32 3s2(1S)4p 23/2 S61b BBC95 101024.35 3s2(1S)4d 2D 5/2 130 5669.562 0.50 114529.14 3s3p(3P°)3d 49/2 S61b BBC95 132162.29 3s3p(3P°)4p 4D 7/2 130 6347.103 0.66 65500.47 3s2(1S)4s 2S 1/2 S61b BBC95 81251.32 3s2(1S)4p 23/2 100 6371.359 0.77 65500.47 3s2(1S)4s 2S 1/2 S61b BBC95 81191.34 3s2(1S)4p 21/2

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableSilicon Atomic DataSilicon Strong LinesSilicon Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Silicon Neutral Atom Energy LevelsSilicon Singly Ionized Persistent LinesSilicon Singly Ionized Energy LevelsSilicon References
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