NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data

[skip navigation] National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory Cobalt (Co) 

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Persistent Lines of Neutral Cobalt ( Co I )

Int.     Wavelength   Aki          Energy          Configuration      Term    J      Line   Aki
            (Å)       (108s-1)     Levels (cm-1)                                     Ref.   Ref.
250 2407.256 3.6 0.000 3d74s2 a 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 41528.455 3d7(4F)4s4p(1P°) x 411/2 250 2411.624 816.000 3d74s2 a 4F 7/2 PT96 42269.229 3d7(4F)4s4p(1P°) x 49/2 200 2424.935 3.2 0.000 3d74s2 a 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 41225.710 3d7(4F)4s4p(1P°) x 49/2 200 2521.365 3.0 0.000 3d74s2 a 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 39649.124 3d7(4F)4s4p(1P°) x 47/2 500 3405.118 1.0 3482.780 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 32841.916 3d8(3F)4p y 49/2 400 3443.645 0.69 4142.631 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 7/2 PT96 FW96 33173.313 3d8(3F)4p y 47/2 1000 3453.510 1.1 3482.780 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 32430.535 3d8(3F)4p y 411/2 400* 3473.974 0.0299 0.000 3d74s2 a 4F 9/2 PT96 M03 28777.236 3d7(4F)4s4p(3P°) z 47/2 400* 3474.042 0.56 4690.141 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 5/2 PT96 FW96 33466.823 3d8(3F)4p y 47/2 500 3502.280 0.80 3482.780 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 9/2 PT96 FW96 32027.440 3d8(3F)4p y 47/2 300 3526.850 0.137 0.000 3d74s2 a 4F 9/2 PT96 M03 28345.814 3d7(4F)4s4p(3P°) z 49/2 300 3529.808 0.46 4142.631 3d8(3F)4s b 4F 7/2 PT96 FW96 32464.688 3d8(3F)4p y 49/2 400 3569.376 1.6 7442.399 3d8(3F)4s a 2F 7/2 PT96 FW96 35450.505 3d8(3F)4p y 27/2

Homepage - IntroductionFinding listSelect element by name.Select element by atomic number.Select element from periodic tableCobalt Atomic DataCobalt Strong LinesCobalt Neutral Atom Persistent Lines Cobalt Neutral Atom Energy LevelsCobalt Singly Ionized Persistent LinesCobalt Singly Ionized Energy LevelsCobalt References
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