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BPQ01 | E. Biémont, P. Palmeri, and P. Quinet, Database of Rare Earths at Mons University (Updated 4 Sep. 2001) [Online]. Available: http://www.umh.ac.be/~astro/dream.shtml |
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BWCC91 | S. Bisson, E. F. Worden, J. G. Conway, B. Comaskey, J. A. D. Stockdale, and F. Nehring, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 8, 1545 (1991). These authors give wavelengths and transition probabilities for 228 lines of Ce I in the range 4506-9337 Å. Unfortunately, no transition probabilities were given for the twelve Ce I lines selected here as being persistent. |
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C73 | C. H. Corliss, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 77A, 419 (1973). The Ce II levels as presented here are from [MZH78], with many levels grouped into terms. |
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M75c | W. C. Martin, unpublished material (1975). |
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MCS75 | W. F. Meggers, C. H. Corliss, and B. F. Scribner, Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Monogr. 145 (1975). |
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MZH78 | W. C. Martin, R. Zalubas, and L. Hagan, Atomic Energy Levels - The Rare Earth Elements, Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser., Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 60 (1978). |
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SR65 | J. Sugar and J. Reader, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 55, 1286 (1965). |
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WSPC78 | E. F. Worden, R. W. Solarz, J. A. Paisner, and J. G. Conway, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 68, 52 (1978). |
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