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 Data Analysis Sheet L.5

Data analysis sheet for in-plane deflection measurements from released part to released part

Top view of bow-tie test structure depicting the measurement to be made.

Figure L.5.1.  Top view of bow-tie test structure depicting the measurement to be made.

To obtain the following measurements, consult ASTM standard test method E 2244 entitled
"Standard Test Method for In-Plane Length Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films
Using an Optical Interferometer."

date data taken (optional) = / /



Table 1 - Preliminary ESTIMATES


1 material =  



2 D = μm

design dimension for D

3 which?       
which iteration of the test structure where "first" corresponds to the topmost or leftmost test structure in the column or array of the same material that has the specified design dimension for D?
4 which bow-tie?          
which bow-tie array ? 
5 magnification = × magnification
6 orientation =             
orientation on the chip
7 calx = x-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
8 interx = μm interferometer's maximum field of view (for the given magnification)
9 σxcal = μm one sigma uncertainty in a ruler measurement (for the given magnification)
10 xres = μm uncalibrated resolution of the interferometer in the x-direction
11 calz = z-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
12 aligned?        alignment ensured ?
13 leveled?      data leveled ?


Table 2 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values)


14  x1max (i.e., x1upper) = μm  
15 x1min (i.e., x1lower) = μm (x1min > x1max)
16 x2min (i.e., x2lower) = μm  (x2min > x1min)
17 x2max (i.e., x2upper) = μm (x2max > x2min)


Table 3 - OUTPUTS (calibrated values)


18 Dmin = μm Dmin =  ( x2min x1min ) calx
19 Dmax = μm Dmax = ( x2maxx1max ) calx
20 D = μm in-plane deflection
=  (Dmin + Dmax ) / 2
21 uD = μm uD = (Dmax Dmin ) / 6
22 uxcal = μm uxcal = (σxcal / interx) ( D / calx )
23 uxres = μm uxres = xres calx / 1.732
24 ucD = μm combined standard uncertainty
= SQRT [ u
D2 + uxcal2 + uxres2 ]
where each of the standard uncertainty components is obtained using a Type B analysis

Report the results as follows:  Since it can be assumed that the estimated values of the uncertainty
components are approximately uniformly or Gaussianly distributed with approximate combined standard
uncertainty ucD, the in-plane deflection is believed to lie in the interval D ± ucD (expansion factor k=1)
representing a level of confidence of approximately 68 %. 

Modify the input data, given the information supplied in any flagged statement below, if applicable, then recalculate:
1. Please fill out the entire form.
2. The value for D should be between 0 μm and 50 μm.
3. The measured value for D is more than 5 μm from the design dimension.
4. Is the magnification appropriate given the design dimension for D ?
5. Magnifications at or less than 2.5× shall not be used.
6. Is 0.95 < calx < 1.05 but not equal to "1" ?  If not, recheck your x-calibration.
7. The value for interx should be between 0 μm and 1500 μm.
8. The value for σxcal should be between 0 μm and 4 μm.
9. The value for xres should be between 0 μm and 1.57 μm.
10. Is 0.95 < calz < 1.05 but not equal to "1" ?  If not, recheck your z-calibration.
11. Alignment has not been ensured.
12. Data has not been leveled.
13. x1min should be greater than x1max.
14. x2min should be greater than x1min.
15. x2max should be greater than x2min.
16. The calibrated values for x1min and x1max are greater than 10 μm apart.
17. The calibrated values for x2min and x2max are greater than 10 μm apart.

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NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department.
The Semiconductor and Dimensional Metrology Division is within the Physical Measurement Laboratory.
The MEMS Measurement Science and Standards Project is within the Nanoscale Metrology Group.

Date created: 12/4/2000
Last updated: 4/26/2013