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 Data Analysis Sheet L.0

Data analysis sheet for in-plane length measurements for use with the 
MEMS 5-in-1 RMs

Top view of a fixed-fixed beam test structure depicting the measurement to be made.

Figure L.0.1.  Top view of a fixed-fixed beam test structure depicting an example
measurement to be made between Edges 1 and 2.

To obtain the following measurements, consult ASTM standard test method E 2244 entitled,
"Standard Test Method for In-Plane Length Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films 
Using an Optical Interferometer."



date (optional) = / /


comments (optional) =

Table 1 - Preliminary ESTIMATES


1 temp ° temperature during measurement (should be held constant)
2 relative
relative humidity during measurement (if not known, enter -1)
3 material



4 type
type of measurement:
oo= outside edge-to-outside edge length measurement,
Lii = inside edge-to-inside edge length measurement
Lio= inside edge-to-outside edge length measurement
Loi = outside edge-to-inside edge length measurement
5 design length μm

design length

6 which?         
indicates which iteration of the test structure where "first" corresponds to the topmost or leftmost test structure in the column or array of the same material that has the specified length?
7 magnification × magnification
8 orientation              
orientation on the chip
9 calx x-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
10 rulerx μm maximum field of view in the x-direction for the given magnification (as measured on the screen of the interferometric microscope)
11 σxcal μm one sigma uncertainty in a ruler measurement (for the given magnification)
12 xres μm uncalibrated resolution of the interferometric microscope in the x-direction (for the given magnification)
13 caly y-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
14 calz z-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
15 Loffset μm in-plane length correction term for the given magnification of the given interferometric microscope and associated with a given type of in-plane length measurement taken on similar structures when using similar calculations
(If the transitional edges face the same direction, Loffset=0 μm.)
16 srepeat(samp)' μm in-plane length repeatability standard deviation (for the given magnification) as obtained from test structures fabricated in a process similar to that used to fabricate the sample and for the same or a similar type of measurement
17 aligned?       alignment ensured?
18 leveled?       data leveled?


Table 2 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values)


Trace a' inputs:
19 x1uppera' = μm n1a' = 1 < n1a' < 4
20 x2uppera' =   μm n2a' = 1 < n2a' < 4
(x2uppera' > x1uppera')
21 ya' = μm an outermost data trace
(used in misalignment angle, α, calculations)

Trace a inputs:

22 x1uppera = μm n1a = 1 < n1a < 4
23 x2uppera =   μm n2a = 1 < n2a < 4
(x2uppera > x1uppera)

Trace e inputs:

24 x1uppere = μm n1e = 1 < n1e < 4
25 x2uppere =   μm n2e = 1 < n2e < 4
(x2uppere > x1uppere)
Trace e' inputs:
26 x1uppere' = μm n1e' = 1 < n1e' < 4
27 x2uppere' =   μm n2e' = 1 < n2e' < 4
(x2uppere' > x1uppere')
28 ye' = μm an outermost data trace
(used in misalignment angle,
α, calculations)
ya' > ye'
*Where xuppert is the uncalibrated x-value that most appropriately locates the upper corner of the
transitional edge (Edge 1 or Edge 2) using Trace "t"
**The values for n1t and n2t indicate the data point uncertainties associated with the chosen value for xuppert
with the subscript "t" referring to the data trace
In other words, if it is easy to identify one point that
accurately locates the upper corner of transitional Edge 1, the maximum  uncertainty associated with the
identification of this point is n1txrescalx, where n1t=1.
***Where ya' and ye' are the uncalibrated y-values associated with Traces a' and e', respectively.
****Four 2D data traces are typically used to obtain an in-plane length measurement such that each trace
can be used for both Edge 1 and Edge 2.  However, if the measurement is such that eight 2D data traces
are required (four for Edge 1 and four for Edge 2), call the data traces associated with Edge 1 a', a, e, and e'
and the data traces associated with Edge 2 aa', aa, ee, and ee'.  Therefore, throughout this data sheet, replace
x2uppera' with x2upperaa', x2uppera with x2upperaa, x2uppere with x2upperee, x2uppere' with x2upperee', n2a'
with n2aa', n2a with n2aa, n2e with n2ee, and n2e' with n2ee'. And, if n1a' + n1e' > n2aa' + n2ee', also enter
yaa' and yee' in the above table instead of ya' and ye', respectively.
If the transitional edges face the same direction and have similar slopes and magnitudes, the values locating
the lower corner of each transitional edge are entered instead of the upper values, if the uncertainties associated
with the lower corner are typically less than the uncertainties associated with the upper corner. If this is the case,
throughout this data sheet, replace all occurrences of "upper" with "lower."




Table 3 - OUTPUTS (calibrated values)


29 Lmeasa' = μm Lmeasa' =  (x2uppera' x1uppera' ) calx
30 Lmeasa = μm Lmeasa (x2uppera x1uppera ) calx
31 Lmease = μm Lmease (x2uppere x1uppere ) calx
32 Lmease' = μm Lmease' (x2uppere' x1uppere' ) calx
33 Lmeas = μm Lmeas = (Lmeasa' + Lmeasa + Lmease + Lmease')/4
34 α = radians
α = tan–1[Δx calx / (Δy caly )]
Δy = ya' ye'  and
if  (n1a' +
n1e' ) < (n2a' + n2e' ) then
Δx = Δx1 = x1uppera' - x1uppere'

if  (n1a' +
n1e' ) > (n2a' + n2e' ) then

Δx = Δx2 = x2uppera' - x2uppere'
35 Lalign = μm Lalign Lmeas cos α
36 L = μm in plane length
Lalign + Loffset

Uncertainty calculations:

37 uL = μm uL = ( LmaxL LminL ) / 6
minL= Lmeasmin cos(α)+Loffset
Lmeasmin = (Lmeasmina'
+Lmeasmine+Lmeasmine') / 4
measmint = Lmeast
− (n1t+n2t) xres calx

maxL= Lmeasmax cos(α)+Loffset
measmax = (Lmeasmaxa'
+Lmeasmaxe+Lmeasmaxe') / 4
measmaxt = Lmeast
+ (n1t+n2t) xres calx
38 urepeat(L) = μm urepeat(L) = σrepeat(L) cos(α)
Lmeasa', Lmeasa, Lmease,
39 uxcal = μm uxcal = (σxcal / rulerx) Lmeas cos(α)
40 ualign = μm ualign = |(Lmaxalign Lminalign)/(2SQRT(3))| ,
Lminalign= Lmeas cos(αmin) + Loffset,
Lmaxalign= Lmeas cos(αmax) + Loffset,
αmin = tan–1[Δx calx / (Δy caly )
– 2xres calx / (Δy caly )] ,
max =
Δx calx / (Δy caly )
+ 2xres calx / (Δy caly )]
41 uoffset = μm uoffset = |Loffset | / 3
42 urepeat(samp) = μm urepeat(samp) = srepeat(samp)'
43 ucL = μm combined standard uncertainty
= SQRT [
uL2 + urepeat(L)2 + uxcal2
ualign2 +
uoffset2 + urepeat(samp)2]
where each of the standard uncertainty components is obtained using a Type B analysis, except for
urepeat(L) and urepeat(samp), which use a statistical Type A analysis
44 2ucL = UL μm expanded uncertainty
45 3ucL = μm three times the combined standard uncertainty
46 L UL = μm a lower bound for L
47 L + UL = μm an upper bound for L

Report the results as follows:  If it is assumed that the estimated values of the uncertainty
components are approximately Gaussianly distributed with approximate combined standard
uncertainty ucL, the in-plane length is believed to lie in the interval L ± ucL (expansion factor k=1)
representing a level of confidence of approximately 68 %. 

Modify the input data, given the information supplied in any flagged statement below, if applicable, then recalculate:
1. Please fill out the entire form.
2. The value for temp should be between 19.4 °and 21.6 °, inclusive.
3. The value for relative humidity (if known) should be between 0 % and 60 %, inclusive.
4. The design length should be between 0 μm and 1050 μm.
5. The measured value for L is more than 3ucL from the design length.
6. Is the magnification appropriate given the design length ?
7. Magnifications at or less than 2.5× shall not be used.
8. Is 0.95 < calx < 1.05 but not equal to "1" ?  If not, recheck your x-calibration.
Is 0.95 < caly < 1.05 but not equal to "1" ?  If not, recheck your y-calibration.
9. The value for rulerx should be between 0 μm and 1500 μm.
10. The value for σxcal should be between 0 μm and 4 μm.
11. The value for xres should be between 0 μm and 2.00 μm.
12. Is 0.95 < calz < 1.05 but not equal to "1" ?  If not, recheck your z-calibration.
13. The value for Loffset should be between –9.0 μm and 9.0 μm, inclusive.
14. The value for srepeat(samp)' should be between 0 μm and 5 μm, inclusive.
15. Alignment has not been ensured.
16. Data has not been leveled.
17. x2uppert should be greater than x1uppert.
18. The measured values for x1uppert should be within 5 μm of their average.
19. The measured values for x2uppert should be within 5 μm of their average.
20. ya' should be greater than ye'.
21. n1t and n2t should be between 1 and 4, inclusive.
22. α should be between 2° and 2°.

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NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department.
The Semiconductor and Dimensional Metrology Division is within the Physical Measurement Laboratory.
The MEMS Measurement Science and Standards Project is within the Nanoscale Metrology Group.

Date created: 12/4/2000
Last updated:

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