Data analysis sheet for residual strain measurements for use with the MEMS 5-in-1 RMs
Figure RS.3.1. Top view of a fixed-fixed beam used to measure residual strain.
To obtain the following measurements, consult ASTM standard test method E 2245 entitled "Standard Test Method for Residual Strain Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Using an Optical Interferometer."
Table 1 - Preliminary ESTIMATES
design length
Table 2 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values from Traces a', a, e, and e')
Trace a' inputs:
1 < n2a' < 4(x2uppera' > x1uppera')
Trace a inputs:
Trace e inputs:
Trace e' inputs:
Table 3 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values from Trace b)
Table 4 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values from Trace c)
Table 5 - INPUTS (uncalibrated values from Trace d)
Table 6 - OUTPUTS (for in-plane length)
Uncertainty Outputs (for in-plane length):
Table 7 - OUTPUTS (for residual strain)
Table 8 - Preliminary uncertainty OUTPUTS (for residual strain)
Table 9 - Uncertainty OUTPUTS (for residual strain) Averaging the values from Traces b, c, and d, where applicable
Report the results as follows: If it is assumed that the estimated values of the uncertainty components are approximately Gaussianly distributed with approximate combined standarduncertainty ucer, the residual strain is believed to lie in the interval er ± ucer (expansion factor k=1) representing a level of confidence of approximately 68 %.
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NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department. The Semiconductor and Dimensional Metrology Division is within the Physical Measurement Laboratory. The MEMS Measurement Science and Standards Project is within the Nanoscale Metrology Group.
Date created: 12/4/2000 Last updated: 4/26/2013