Version 5.12
7 November 2024
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes, and improvements of the interface:
- The fundamental constants involved in energy conversion procedures have been updated to the 2022 CODATA values (E. Tiesinga, P. J. Mohr, D. B. Newell, and B. N. Taylor (2024),
"The 2022 CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants" (Web Version 9.0). Database developed by J. Baker, M. Douma, and S. Kotochigova.
Available at, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899;
accessed on October 19, 2024).
- A new shortened syntax for configuration labels in the jj coupling scheme has been implemented in accordance with updated recommendations from W. C. Martin, W. L. Wiese, and A. Kramida,
Atomic Spectroscopy, in Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Ch. 11, 177-197 (Edited by G. W. F. Drake, Springer, Cham, 2023);
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-73893-8_11.
- The Lines input form has been changed to display Advanced Settings by default. An option "Include Ritz wavelengths for all possible E1 transitions" has been added (off by default).
With this option, the total number of spectral lines that can be displayed in ASD is about 3 million.
- In Kr III, configuration label of one energy level misprinted in the compilation of J. Sugar & A. Musgrove, JPCRD 20, 859 (1991) has been corrected.
The level is at 208609.54 cm−1, and the misprinted configuration label 4s24p3(2Do)5p has been corrected to
4s24p3(2Po)5p, as correctly given by Bredice et al., JOSA 5, 222 (1988). We thank Ms. Shikha Rathi for communicating this error.
- The ionization limits of S I, Ca I, Nd I, and Np I have been updated.
- In Sn III, minor errors in term labeling of two levels have been corrected to make the term labels identical to those of K. Haris & A. Tauheed, Phys. Scr. 85, 055301 (2012).
- Lines and levels of S I, S II, Cr XII, V XIV, V XV, V XVI, V XVIII, Co XV, Co XVI, I I have been updated.
- Lines and levels of all Li-like ions of elements between C and U (Z = 6 to 92) have been added/updated. This update involved mainly the core-excited 1s2l2l′ levels.
The 1s22p1/2,3/2 levels and resonance lines associated with them have been added/updated for Li-like ions of elements between C and Fm (Z = 6 to 100).
These changes involved addition of about 1200 new energy levels and about 3000 new spectral lines. A few incorrect energy levels and lines have been deleted.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
Version 5.11
5 December 2023
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes, and improvements of the interface:
- Energy levels of He I and He-like ions from Li+ to Ds109+ have been added/updated (about 5000 values added).
- Wavelengths and transition probabilities of forbidden lines of Fe II have been added/updated.
- Energy levels of neutral iodine (I I) have been updated.
- Ionization energy of Cm I has been updated.
- Two A-values in Si I have been corrected (lines at air wavelengths 2443.36 Å and 2452.12 Å).
- Designations of 3 levels in Eu I have been corrected.
- The misprinted J value (J = 1) of one level of Cu IV at 306941.8 cm−1 has been corrected to J = 2.
- A misprint in the term label of one level of Rb III at 222301.41 cm−1 has been corrected.
- The letter "x" has been deleted from the label "x 3Fo" of one odd-parity term of Fe I
with levels above 50000 cm−1. This term label was mistakenly duplicated in the previous versions of ASD.
We thank Jeff Valenti of Space Telescope Science Institute for reporting this error.
- The bug causing some lines to be omitted in the multiplet output format has been corrected.
- Displaying oscillator strengths for forbidden transitions has been enabled.
- The Lines input form has been significantly modified to streamline the search for wavelengths, energies, or transition frequencies.
- A new graphical feature has been added to the Lines input form: an output of a spectral image in the visible range.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
Version 5.10
30 October 2022
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes, and improvements of the interface:
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities updated and extended for C II, Fe VII, Ac I-III.
- Energy levels and spectral lines inserted for 12C II, 13C II, and 14C II.
- A typo in the energy of the 1s22s9p 1Po1 level in Be I has been corrected.
- A misprint in the Landé g-factor value of one Yb II level (22960.80 cm−1) has been corrected.
- Transition probabilities of Rb I updated.
- Ionization energies of C II, Fe VII, Se I, Dy I, Tm I, Rn II, Ac I, Cf I, Ni XX, Ge XXIII updated.
- A misprint in the 4d105s5d 3D3 energy level of Cd I corrected.
- Configuration labels corrected for several levels in Ni II, Rb IV, Rh II-III, In III, Ba III, Nd II, Hf I, Y IV,
Xe II, Bi II.
These errors were detected by Jon Grumer of Lund University, Sweden, whose help is gratefully acknowledged.
- Energy levels and spectral lines updated/extended for Ni XIX-XX, Kr IX, Kr XVIII-XXXVI
and for all hydrogen-like spectra of elements from He to Ds, including the isotope 3He.
For all H-like spectra, transition probabilities have been updated or added from the data of O. Jitrik and C. Bunge 2004
(JPCRD 33, 1059),
which have been rescaled to the 2018 CODATA values of the fundamental constants and to the AME2016 atomic masses (M. Wang et al. 2017,
Chin. Phys. C 41, 030003) with the use of the same isotopes as in the energy-level
calculations of V. A. Yerokhin and V. M. Shabaev 2015, JPCRD 44, 033103.
- Energy units of Hartree and GHz added to the choice of units for output of energy levels in Levels, Lines (including the multiplet layout and
Grotrian diagram), and Ionization Energies sections of ASD.
- A new option added for the intensity scale choice in LIBS and Saha-LTE plots (energy flux or photon counts). The new default setting is to display
spectral intensities on a scale proportional to energy flux. Prior to this change, intensities displayed by both the Saha-LTE and LIBS plots were
proportional to photon counts.
- Lines and levels Holdings pages updated to display the ASD content for isotopes.
- Several minor bugs fixed.
Version 5.9
30 October 2021
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes, and improvements of the interface:
- Transition probabilities of some E2 transitions corrected for He I, Li II, Be III, and B IV. Some of the previous values
from J.R. Fuhr and W.L. Wiese, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 39, 013101 (2010) that were quoted from M. Godefroid
and G. Verhaegen, J. Phys. B 13, 3081 (1980) were in error by a factor of 105, which was previously overlooked.
- Energy level assignments added for 53 lines of O I.
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities added/updated for Ni V and Hf I.
- Observed wavelengths and their uncertainties corrected for Ac I. They were slightly wrong in the previous version of ASD due to a technical error.
- Added CSV and ASCII tab-delimited output formats to the Ionization Energies database output.
- Minor bugs fixed.
Version 5.8
30 October 2020
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes:
- Landé g-factors added/updated for V I.
- Ionization energy updated for Lr I.
- Two E2 transition probabilities corrected for Cr V.
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities added/updated for Fe III, Y VIII, Bi III, and Ac I-III.
- Energy levels and spectral lines updated for Be I. Wavelength uncertainties added for Be II.
- The energy conversion factors changed to the 2018 CODATA fundamental constants.
- LIBS queries have been optimized for speed. Advanced options have been added to LIBS interface, including the ability to model spectra
of any ionization stage.
- Minor bugs fixed in the LIBS software.
Version 5.7.1
18 October 2019
Data additions and corrections:
- Line intensities and transition probabilities of Pt I updated.
- Energy levels updated and spectral lines and transition probabilities added/updated for Pt II and Ir II.
Version 5.7
8 October 2019
Data additions, corrections, bug fixes:
- Lines and transition probabilities of Cd II added/updated.
- Ionization energy updated for Zr I, Te I, Hg III, Pm I, No I, Po I.
- Lines/levels added/updated for Sr I.
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities added/updated for Pt I.
- An error in Saha-Boltzmann equations used in Saha-LTE plots and in LIBS plots has been corrected.
This error was due to omission of the partition function for fully-ionized atoms (bare nuclei) and
led to overestimated fractional abundance of hydrogen-like ions or hydrogen atoms in a hot plasma.
Database queries have been optimized, which resolved the problem of slow response in LIBS plots.
- Minor bugs are fixed in various codes.
Version 5.6.1
19 October 2018
Data corrections:
- Designations and percentage compositions of three levels in Fe II updated/corrected.
Version 5.6
3 October 2018
Additions, corrections, and improvements of the interface:
- Options for downloading the output in ASCII tab-delimited and CSV formats added to both the Levels and Lines input forms.
- Ionization energy updated for Pd I, C II-III, Si VI-IX,XI.
- A misprint in one level of Zn XXI corrected.
- Energy levels and spectral lines added/updated for F I, Ne I, Sc I, Zn I, Xe I, Re III-V, Os III, Bi I.
- Spectral lines, transition probabilities and energy level classifications added/updated for F I, Ne I, Ar I, K I, Sc I, Zn II, As I, Br I, Kr I, Nb IV, Y VII, In I, Xe I, Re III-V, Os III, Au I, Bi I.
- Transition probability references and accuracy codes updated for Ga I.
- Minor bugs are fixed in various codes.
Version 5.5.6
6 April 2018
- Error correction in Saha-LTE and LIBS plots: in all versions prior to this,
division by partition function was accidentally omitted in the procedure
calculating the line intensities, leading to incorrect relative intensities of
lines belonging to different ions.
Version 5.5.5
2 April 2018
- The corrected bug affected the calculation of Saha-LTE plots when user selected units of eV for the output energy levels (in Advanced Output Options for Lines).
- Corrected a small typo in the file libshelp.html.
Version 5.5.4
29 March 2018
- Corrected the multiplet output for gA.
Version 5.5.3
14 March 2018
- Corrected calculation of Saha ionization balance (ASD and LIBS)
- Ionization energy updated for Pd I, C II-III, Si VI-IX,XI.
- A misprint in one level of Zn XXI corrected.
Version 5.5.2
8 January 2018
- Grotion diagram functionality has been redesigned and is no longer dependent on Java.
Version 5.5.1
2 November 2017
Additions, corrections, and improvements of the interface:
- Energy levels and spectral lines added/updated for Sn III.
- Missing energy-level classification corrected for one line of Pt V.
- Bugs in various codes have been fixed, including the Grotrian diagrams,
which are now supported for Internet Explorer only.
- Minor improvements in styles and graph layouts.
Version 5.5
October 2017
Additions, corrections, and improvements of the interface:
- A new interface to ASD for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been created.
- Output pages of Levels, Lines, and Ionization Energies sections of ASD have been modified to display the uncertainties
of the data. Critically evaluated information on measurement uncertainties is currently available for about 50 % of the ASD data.
When the wavelength data are requested in standard air, the uncertainties displayed incorporate contributions resulting
from conversion of vacuum wavelengths to air. When the energy level data are requested in units other than cm−1, the
displayed uncertainties incorporate contributions from uncertainties of the conversion factors.
- Designations corrected for some energy levels of Dy II.
- Transition probabilities updated/corrected for Sr II and Zr III.
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities added/updated for C I, Cu II, V I-II, Y V, Pt VI-VIII.
- Energy levels and spectral lines with classifications added for 12C I and 13C I.
- Ionization energy updated for C I, V II, Zr I, Y V, Lu II, Ce II, Pr II, Nd II-IV, Pm II-IV,
Sm II-IV, Eu II-IV, Gd II-IV, Tb II-IV, Dy II-IV, Ho II-IV, Er II-IV, Tm II-IV, Yb IV,
- Spectral lines, energy level classifications and transition probabilities added/updated for La I-II and Ce I-II.
- A few minor errors in data and programming have been corrected.
Version 5.4
September 2016 |
Additions and corrections to the data:
- Energy levels, lines, and transition probabilities added/updated for Co III, Sr II, Zr VI, Pt IV-V, Ir IV,
Pb I, Ra I-II.
- Line classifications and transition probabilities added/updated for
Y I-II, Mo I, Rh I, Nd II, Eu I, Pr II, Dy I, Tm I, Lu I, Ta I, Ir I, Pb I.
- Ionization energies updated for Zr VI, Nd III, Pm III, Sm III, Lu III, Ra II.
- One energy level corrected for Se XIX.
- Designations and percentage compositions corrected for J = 1 odd-parity levels of Bi II quoted from
Y. N. Joshi and M. Mazzoni, Phys. Lett. A 118, 237 (1986).
- Transition probability accuracy and bibliographic references updated for Cu I-II, Zn I-II, Ge I-II, Cd I-II,
Sn I, Cs I, Hg I, Tl I, U I.
- Line (observed wavelength) references to NIST Monograph 8 (T. Shirai et al., 2000) have been replaced with references to
original data sources for about 10000 lines of Ti III-XXI, V IV-XXI, Cr V-XXII, Mn VI-XXIII, Fe VIII-XXIV,
- A few minor errors in data and programming are corrected.
Version 5.3
October 2015 |
Additions, corrections, and improvements of the interface:
- A new feature added to Lines Search: output of line-ratio data for
diagnostics of electron temperature and density in plasmas.
Plasma diagnostics data are included for C III,V; N III,IV,VI; O III-V,VII;
- Saha-Boltzmann plots have been modified by adding an experimental feature allowing the user to specify a multi-element mixture.
- Conversion factors from energy units of cm−1 to eV and Ry changed to the CODATA 2014 values.
- Ionization energies updated/corrected for C I, C IV, Cl I, Mn I, Zn I, Br III, VI; Kr III, Cd I, In I, Sn II, Rn XXIII, Th II, Lr I.
- Energy levels and wavelengths added/updated for Sn II, Mo V, W VIII, Th I-III.
Energies of the three 3s6d 3D levels of Mg I changed to the previously published values from W. C. Martin and R. Zalubas,
J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 9, 1-58 (1980).
- Transition probabilities added/updated for Sn II, Mo V, W VIII, F V-VIII, Ne VI-IX and updated/corrected for Cl II
and Mg I.
- Transition probability references to NIST Monograph 8 (T. Shirai et al., 2000) have been replaced with references to original data sources
for several thousand lines of Ti III-XXII, V IV-XXIII, Cr V-XXIV, Mn VI-XXV, Fe VII-XXVI, Co VIII-XXVII,
- Procedure for obtaining partition functions of H and D are corrected to remove level double-counting.
- A number of minor errors in data and programming are corrected.
Version 5.2
September 2014 |
Additions, corrections, and improvements of the interface:
- New interactive triangular data holdings diagrams added to the Lines and Levels Holdings web pages.
The holdings can also be accessed directly from these links for lines
and levels.
- Line sorting routines corrected in the database codes.
- Error corrected in Saha-LTE ionization balance calculations, related to choice of a correct ionization limit in spectra with multiple limits.
- Energy levels and spectral lines with classifications added/updated for Cr I-II and Cu I.
- Energy levels, spectral lines, and transition probabilities added or updated for Fe V.
- Transition probabilities added or updated for Al I-VII.
- Line identifications corrected for Mn VI, Kr II, Rb X, Fr I
- Observed and/or Ritz wavelengths corrected for O VII, Ne V, Ca I, Fe XV, Ag III, Xe IV, W I near the boundaries of the air wavelength range (2000 and 20000 Å).
- Line strength and transition probability corrected for several forbidden transitions,
two in C V, two in N VI, and three in O VII.
- Several misprints corrected in various other spectra.
Version 5.1
September 2013 |
Additions, corrections, and minor improvements of the interface:
- Wavelengths of ~200 unidentified lines of Fe I corrected.
- Line references for Ne III corrected for all observed lines.
- Errors in A values corrected for Sc I-II.
- Energy levels and spectral lines added/updated for Ca III, Mn II, Fe II, Co II, Ag II, and In II.
- Ionization Energies output page changed to display the ion charge instead of the spectrum number.
- Levels and Lines Lists of Holdings modified to display triangular charts in addition to periodic table charts.
- Several misprints corrected in various spectra.
Version 5.0.0
July 2012 |
Major update. New additions and corrections:
- Added a new Web interface for retrieval of ionization energies and total binding energies of ground states of all atomic spectra.
Ionization energies and ground states added or revised for all spectra of all elements up to Ds (Z = 110). About 4900 of those ionization energies (5844 in total) are new, and about 400 have been updated. Uncertainties have been added or revised for all ionization energies.
- Web interface of ASD is improved. Handling of the Spectrum field in Levels and Lines Search Forms is revised to conform to the standard used in the NIST Atomic Spectra Bibliographic Databases, which allows for searching of multiple spectra by isoelectronic sequence names, as well as by names of spectra and by ionic charge. Layout of the lines output is changed to approximate layouts used in atomic spectroscopy literature. Help pages contents are revised.
- Energy levels and spectral lines with transition probabilities added/updated for Ne IV, Ti I-II, Sr II-XXXVIII, Cs III-LV, Ba III-LVI.
- Energy levels corrected or added for O VI, Pm II, Tb II, Dy I-II, Ho I, Tm II, Lu I, Hf I, Ta II, Au I-II, Hg III-IV, Tl II-IV, Pb I-V, Bi I-II, Bi VI, Po I.
- Energy level classifications added for prominent lines of Ge I-II, Ru II, Pd II, Nd I-II, Pm I-II, Sm I-II, Eu I-II, Gd I-II, Tb I-II, Dy I-II, Ho I-II, Er I-II, Tm I-II, Yb I-II, Lu I-II, Hf I-II, Ta I-II, Ir I-II, Au I-II, Tl I-II, Pb I-II, Bi I-II, Po I, At I, Rn I, Ra I-II.
- Transition probabilities added or updated for Tc I-II, Ru I-II, Pd I-II, In I, Sb I-II, I I, Nd I-II, Sm I-II, Eu I-II, Gd I, Tb II, Dy I-II, Ho I-II, Er I-II, Tm I-II, Yb I-II, Lu I-II, Hf I-II, Tl II, Pb I-II, Bi I-II.
- Missing observed intensities of 17 lines have been inserted from NIST Monograph 68 for Xe I.
- Several duplicate transitions deleted in the line lists for Na VII, Si I, Ar II, K I, Fe I, Sr I, Te I-II.
- A number of misprints corrected.
- Default unit for output wavelengths changed from Ångström to nm.
Version 4.1.1
November 2011 |
Additions and corrections:
- Transition probabilities added/updated for S I-XV.
- Energy levels updated for Tc I, Ru II, Rh II, Ag I, Cd I, In I, Sn I, Sb I-II, Te I-II, I I.
- Spectral line lists updated for Tc I-II, Ru I-II, Rh I-II, Pd I-II, Ag I, Cd I, In I, Sn I, Sb I-II, Te I-II, I I-II, Cs II.
- Corrections made to line identifications and/or transition probability references for B III and Si I.
- A number of misprints corrected.
Version 4.1.0
May 2011 |
Major update. Additions and corrections:
- Energy levels added for Ac III, Ag III, At I, Bi III-VI, Cd I-IV,
Cs I-II, Hf I-II, I I-VIII, I XII-XIII, In I-V, Ir I-II, Nb I-VII, Nb XV, Os I-II, Pb I-II,
Pd I-III, Po I, Pt I-II, Ra I-II, Re I-II, Rh I-III, Rn I-II, Ru I-III,
Sb I-VI, Sn I-VI, Sr I-V, Sr XI-XII, Ta I-II, Tc I-II, Te I-VII, Tl I-II, Y I-V, Y XII-XIII, Zr I-II, Zr V-VI, Zr XIV.
- Energy levels updated for 198Hg I, Ac I, Ag II, Ar II-III, Ar VII-XVII, Au I, Mo VI, W XIV, W XXIX, W XLI-LXXII.
- Spectral lines added for Ar XII, Ar XV-XVIII, W LII, W LIV, W LVI-LXXII.
- Spectral lines updated for 198Hg I, Ar II-XI, Ar XIII-XIV, Mo VI, Sr I, W XIV,
- A number of misprints corrected.
- Some programmatic improvements were made.
Version 4.0.1
November 2010 |
- Several misprints fixed.
- Minor improvement in the help system.
Version 4.0.0
September 2010 |
Major update. New additions and corrections:
- Full integration with the NIST Atomic Spectra
Bibliography Databases
- Added support of isotope data.
- Added energy levels for Ag I-II, Au I-II, Ac I-II, Bi I-II.
- Added or updated spectral lines and energy levels for H, B, Ne, Na,
K, Kr in all ionization stages, Hg I, Fe I-II, highly-charged ions of W.
- Added spectral lines and energy levels for isotopes D, T,
3He I, 10B I-II, 11B I-II, 198Hg I and energy levels only for 3He II,
39K I, 40K I, 41K I.
- Added or updated transition probabilities for H through B in all ionization stages, C I-II, N I-II, Fe I-II.
- Updated conversion factors for transition probability parameters.
- A number of errors and/or misprints were fixed in various ions.
Version 3.1.5
April 2008 |
New corrections:
- Energies of the high-n ns and nd levels in Rb I corrected.
- Energies of the doubly-excited levels in Ar XVI corrected.
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 3.1.4
January 2008 |
New additions and corrections:
- Ritz wavelengths and transition probabilities added for C VI and O VIII.
- Energy levels and lines added/updated for Br IV.
- Energy levels and lines added/updated for Ne V-VI.
- Numerous corrections for bibliographic references for transition probabilities and lines.
- Line 623.767 Å in Ar IV removed.
Version 3.1.3
September 2007 |
New additions:
- Energy levels and lines added for Fr I (isotope 212Fr).
- Energy levels and lines added/updated for ions of Ga.
- Comments field added for primary data source.
- Total Doppler-broadened spectrum output (summed over all ionization stages) added.
Version 3.1.2
April 2007 |
Error corrections:
- Corrected vacuum-air conversions for the multiplet output.
- Observed wavelengths are now displayed for the singlet lines in the multiplet output.
- Level 6p2 3P2 in Hg I is assigned energy 96190 cm−1.
- 15- and 100-page outputs are removed.
- Improved management of the popup windows (bibliography, etc.).
- Several other minor error fixes and corrections.
Version 3.1.1
March 2007 |
New additions and corrections:
- Direct query links to bibliographic databases are added for both level and line queries.
- Citation information is now displayed on the query output pages.
- In He I, energy levels are corrected for 169 levels, Ritz wavelengths corrected for corresponding transitions.
- Duplicate level 1s3s 1S0 removed in N VI.
- About 100 duplicate lines removed in various ions of Mg, Al, B, P, and S.
- About 400 A-values corrected for Si II (×1e8).
- Energy corrected for the 2s22p4 level in Ar XI.
- A number of references to transition probabilities and/or lines are corrected for ions of S, Mg, and Al.
Version 3.1.0
July 2006 |
Major update and error fix version.
- New comprehensive sets of data added for B II, Ne II-III, Ne VIII, Kr I-XXXVI.
- Data addition and updates for spectral lines of Al VI-XII and Si I-XIII.
- Energy levels for Nd II are updated.
- Level compositions added to Ho and Yb ions.
- Term grouping corrected in rare earth elements.
- Configuration notations corrected for 314 levels in Br I-II, Se XXIV, As XXIII, Dy II.
- Core J-values corrected in 2p55f configuration in Al IV.
- JcK notation corrected in some energy levels in Cl I.
- Primary source of data added in the output.
- Corrected observed/Ritz wavelength selection for line identification and Saha plots.
- Minor style interface improvements.
Version 3.0.3
January 2006 |
Added new data for spectral lines of Na and Mg (all ionization stages). New feature:
wavenumber range selection. Fixed incorrect conversion of air wavelengths to wavenumbers.
Energy of the level 2p3p 3P0 in O III changed from 300239.93 cm−1 to 300229.93 cm−1(misprint correction);
the Ritz wavelengths of transitions related to this level are corrected as well. |
Version 3.0.2
April 2005 |
Minor bugs are fixed. Energy of the level 25p
3P2 in Hg I changed from 88920.8 cm−1 to 83920.8 cm−1
(misprint correction). New features added: (i) output of the averaged term energy,
(ii) wavenumber output for multiplets. |
Version 3.0.1
March 2005 |
New data added for W I,
W II, and Be II. Added
Doppler broadening for the Saha/LTE spectrum and calculation of the partition
function for arbitrary ions. |
Version 3.0
February 2005 |
See Version 3.0-beta below. A detailed list of changes between
Version 2.0 and Version 3.0 is available. |
Version 3.0-beta
October 2004 |
The database management system has been completely replaced, and a new
interface has been developed. New graphical capabilities have been added as
well. Additions, revisions and updates to data, references, and texts have been
completed. |
Version 2.0
March 22, 1999 |
Contains transition data on the first 99 elements in the periodic
table and energy level data for the first 28 elements plus
Z = 42, 57-71. Data on transition probabilities, wavelengths,
and energy levels are integrated and self consistent. A new database search
engine and World Wide Web interface have been created. |
Version 1.3
9 July 1999 |
Version 1.3 of ASD is maintained as an archive. The database was
transferred from "" to ""
"" now resides behind the NIST firewall and is no
longer accessible to the public. At relocation time, the interface was
redesigned to allow for easier access to the data. Also, the data tables were
reformatted to save screen space making them easier to view.
Si I energy levels from Energy Levels of Silicon,
Si I through Si XIV,
W.C. Martin and R. Zalubas, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 12,
323-380 (1983) are now available. |
Version 1.2
13 March 1998 |
Si I energy levels are at present unavailable.
Si I energy levels contained in the database
through 12 March 1998 were from unpublished measurements and data compiled
at NIST (1993), which updated the published NIST energy level compilation,
Energy Levels of Silicon, Si I through
Si XIV, W.C. Martin and R. Zalubas,
J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 12, 323-380 (1983).
Pending completion and publication of the 1993 work, the
Si I energy levels will revert back to the
published data in the next release. |
Version 1.1
16 January 1996 |
References, ground states, and ionization energies have been added for all
spectra for which other data are included. New energy level data have been
added for Zn I-XXX and new wavelength data have
been added for Fe XIV. |
Version 1.0
28 March 1995 |
Official release, NIST approved version. Includes most of the existing
recent critically evaluated NIST data on atomic energy levels, transition
probabilities, and wavelengths. Energy level data are included for over 500
spectra for the elements Na through S, K through Ni, Cu, Ge, Kr, and Mo, La
through Lu, and O II. Transition probability data
are included for Sc through Ni. Wavelength data are included for
O II, Mg, Al, S, and Sc. |
Beta Version
3 January 1995 |
Unofficial release. Includes most of the existing recent critically
evaluated NIST data on atomic energy levels, transition probabilities, and
wavelengths. Energy level data are included for over 500 spectra for the
elements Na through S, K through Ni, Cu, Ge, Kr, and Mo, La through Lu, and
O II. Transition probability data are included for
Sc through Ni. Wavelength data are included for
O II, Mg, Al, S, and Sc. |