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Data Analysis Sheet T.3.a

Data analysis sheet for thickness measurements in a surface-micromachining MEMS
process using an optomechanical technique for use with the MEMS 5-in-1 (RM 8097).



Figure T.3.a.1.  For a cantilever test structure a) a design rendition and b) a cross-sectional side
view of a pegged beam.

To obtain the measurements in this data sheet, consult the following:
[1]  NIST SP 260-177, "Standard Reference Materials:  User's Guide for RM 8096 and 8097:
The MEMS 5-in-1, 2013 Edition"

[2]  SEMI MS2, "Test Method for Step Height Measurements of Thin Films."

Note:  A stylus profilometer is typically used to measure A
            An optical interferometer is typically used to measure B or C.
            The platforms are assumed to be reflective with no secondary fringe effect.
            If secondary fringes may be an issue, a higher magnification objective (e.g., a 50× objective)
            is used with an appropriate field of view converter, if applicable.



date (optional) = / /

comments (optional) =

Table 1 - Preliminary INPUTS



To Measure:


1 tempN () temperature during measurement (should be held constant)
2 relative
relative humidity during measurement (if not known, enter -1)
3 mat


composition of the thin film layer
4 test


test structure being measured
5 design

design length
(needed for test structure identification purposes only)
6 which?



which test structure on the test chip where "first" corresponds to the topmost test structure in the column or array that has the specified length?
7 orient


orientation of the test structure on the chip
8 × magnification
9 alignN

alignment ensured?
10 levelN data leveled?
11 μm certified value of physical step height standard used for calibration
12 μm certified one sigma uncertainty of the certified physical step height standard used for calibration
13 6aveNμm maximum of two uncalibrated values (before and after) where before is the standard deviation of six measurements taken across the physical step height standard before the data session and after is the standard deviation of six measurements taken across the physical step height standard after the data session
14 μm uncalibrated average of the six calibration measurements used to calculate 6ave
15 6sameN μm maximum of two uncalibrated values (same1 and same2) where same1 is the standard deviation of six measurements taken on the physical step height standard at the same location before the data session and same2 is the standard deviation of six measurements taken at this same location after the data session
16 μm uncalibrated average of the six calibration measurements used to calculate 6same
17 μm uncalibrated drift in the calibration data (i.e., the uncalibrated positive difference between the average of the six measurements taken before the data session at the same location on the physical step height standard and the average of the six measurements taken after the data session at this same location)
18 the z-calibration factor (for the given magnification)
19 in % if applicable, the maximum relative deviation from linearity over the instrument's total scan range, as quoted by the instrument manufacturer (typically less than 3 %)
20 % step height relative repeatability standard deviation obtained from step height test structures fabricated in a process similar to that used to fabricate the sample
21 μm

anchor etch depth (if known); otherwise input 0.0 μm
22 μm

range of the anchor etch depth (if known); otherwise input 0.0 μm
23 μm

estimated value for the dimension J (if known); otherwise input 0.0 μm
24 μm

estimated value for the combined standard uncertainty of Jest (if known); otherwise input 0.0 μm
25 μm uncalibrated surface roughness of platX measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatXt1 and splatXt2.  (However, if the surfaces of platX, platY, and platZ all have identical compositions, then it is measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatXt1, splatXt2, splatYt1, splatYt2, splatZt1, and splatZt2 in which case sroughX = sroughY = sroughZ.)
26 μm uncalibrated surface roughness of platY measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatYt1 and splatYt2.  (However, if the surfaces of platX, platY, and platZ all have identical compositions, then it is measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatXt1, splatXt2, splatYt1, splatYt2, splatZt1, and splatZt2 in which case sroughX = sroughY = sroughZ.)
27 μm uncalibrated surface roughness of platZ measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatZt1 and splatZt2. (However, if the surfaces of platX, platY, and platZ all have identical compositions, then it is measured as the smallest of all the values obtained for splatXt1, splatXt2, splatYt1, splatYt2, splatZt1, and splatZt2 in which case sroughX = sroughY = sroughZ.)

    platX refers to the height measurement taken from the top of the underlying layer,
    platY refers to the height measurement taken from the top of the anchor,
    platZ refers to the height measurement taken from the top of the pegged portion of the beam,
    t indicates which data trace (a, b, or c), and
    N indicates which measurement (A, B, or C).



μm) used to find A
typically with a stylus profilometer

Fate of A

To force the selection of ai (as calculated using A and H) to be the thickness, input a positive number.
To disregard ai as a possible thickness, input a negative number.
To let the software determine the thickness by the smallest uncertainty value, input zero.

29 35
30 36
31 37
32 38
33 39
34 40
Note 1:  The platform height measurements are
platXt1 and platYt1.
Note 2:  The standard deviations of the platform height measurements are splatXt1 and splatYt1.


μm) used to find B
typically with an optical interferometer

Fate of B

To force the selection of aii (as calculated using A, B, and Jest) to be the thickness, input a positive number.
To disregard
aii as a possible thickness, input a negative number.
To let the software determine the thickness by the smallest uncertainty value, input zero.

42 48
43 49
44 50
45 51
46 52
47 53
Note 3:  The platform height measurements are
platYt2 and platZt1.
4:  The standard deviations of the platform height measurements are splatYt2 and splatZt1.



μm) used to find C
typically with an optical interferometer
54 Fate of C

To force the selection of aiii (as calculated using C and Jest) to be the thickness, input a positive number.
To disregard
aiii as a possible thickness, input a negative number.
To let the software determine the thickness by the smallest uncertainty value, input zero.

55 61
56 62
57 63
58 64
59 65
60 66
Note 5:  The platform height measurements are
platXt2 and platZt2.
6:  The standard deviations of the platform height measurements are splatXt2 and splatZt2.



Table 5a - Calibrated OUTPUTS (in μm) 


For the measurement of A:

67 76 splatX1ave=
68 77

For the measurement of B:

70 78 splatY2ave=
71 79 splatZ1ave=

For the measurement of C:

73 80 splatX2ave=
74 81 splatZ2ave=
Note 7:  At = (platYt1-platXt1) calzA
Note 8:  Bt = (platZt1-platYt2) calzB
Note 9
:  Ct = (platZt2-platXt2) calzC

Note 10 splatX1ave= calzA AVE(splatXa1, splatXb1, splatXc1)
Note 11
:  s
platY1ave= calzA AVE(splatYa1, splatYb1, splatYc1)
Note 12: 
splatY2ave= calzB AVE(splatYa2, splatYb2, splatYc2)
Note 13
splatZ1ave= calzB AVE(splatZa1, splatZb1, splatZc1)
Note 14
splatZ2ave= calzC AVE(splatZa2, splatZb2, splatZc2)
Note 15
splatX2ave= calzC AVE(splatXa2, splatXb2, splatXc2)

Table 5b - Calibrated OUTPUTS (in μm)



uLstepN uWstepN ucertN ucalN urepeat(shs)N udriftN ulinearN urepeat(samp)N ucSHN
82 A =
83 B =

C =

Note 16:  N = AVE (Na, Nb, Nc)
Note 17
:  uLstepA = SQRT[splatX1ave
sroughX)2+splatY1ave2-(calzA sroughY)2]
Note 18:  uLstepB = SQRT[splatY2ave2-(calzB sroughY)2+splatZ1ave2-(calzB sroughZ)2]
Note 19
:  uLstepC = SQRT[splatZ2ave
2-(calzC sroughZ)2+splatX2ave2-(calzC sroughX)2]

Note 20:  uWstepN =
σWstepN = STDEV(Na, Nb, Nc)
Note 21:  ucertN = |σcertN N / certN|

Note 22
:  ucalN = |σ6aveN N /
Note 23:  urepeat(shs)N = |
σ6sameN N / z6sameN|
Note 24:  udriftN = |(zdrift
N calzN) N / [2(1.732) certN]|
Note 25:  ulinearN = |zlinN N / (1.732)|

Note 26
:  urepeat(samp)N =
σrepeat(samp)N |N|
Note 27:  ucSHN = SQRT(
+ urepeat(samp)N2)
              (Each of the uncertainty components is obtained using a Type B analysis, except for
                uWstepN, ucalN,
urepeat(shs)N, and urepeat(samp)N which use a Type A analysis.)
Table 5c - Calibrated OUTPUTS (in μm)
85 Ccalc = ucCcalc =
86 J = ucJ =
87 ai = ucai =
88 aii = ucaii =
89 aiii = ucaiii =
90 a = uca =
Note 28:  Ccalc = A + B    and  ucCcalc = SQRT(ucSHA2 + ucSHB2)
Note 29:  J = B - H     and  ucJ = SQRT(ucSHB2 + ucH2)    where   ucH =
ΔH / 6
Note 30
:  ai = A + and  uc
ai = SQRT(ucSHA2 + ucH2)
Note 31
aii = Ccalc - Jest   and  ucaii = SQRT(ucCcalc2 + ucJest2)
Note 32
:  aiii = C - Jest   and  uc
aiii = SQRT(ucSHC2 + ucJest2)

Note 33
Where ucH and ucJest are Type B components.
Note 34:  The thickness of the suspended layer, a, is the value specified for ai, aii, or aiii,
               whichever has the smallest combined standard uncertainty value, unless Fate of A,
               Fate of B, and/or
Fate of C was predetermined in Tables 2, 3, and/or 4.                

Ua = 2uca = μm       (expanded uncertainty)
3uca = μm
- Ua =   μm     (a lower bound for a)
+ Ua =   μm     (an upper bound for a)

Report the results as follows:  If it is assumed that the estimated values of the uncertainty
components are approximately Gaussianly distributed with approximate combined standard
uncertainty uca, the thickness is believed to lie in the interval a ± uca (expansion factor k=1)
representing a level of confidence of approximately 68 %. 

Modify the input data, given the information supplied in any flagged statement below, if applicable, then recalculate:

2. The values for tempN should be between 19.4 and 21.6, inclusive.
3. The values for relative humidityN (if known) should be between 0 % and 60 %, inclusive.
4. The value for the design length should be greater than 0 μm and less than or equal to 1000 μm.
5. the magnifications appropriately greater than 2.5×?
6c. Alignment has not been ensured for the measurement of C.
7c. Data has not been leveled for the measurement of C.
11. N - 0.150 μm)/calzN and (certN + 0.150 μm)/calzN and not equal to 0.0 μm.
12. N  should be between 0.000 μm and 0.100 μm, inclusive.
13. N should be between 0.900 and 1.100, but not equal to 1.000.
15. σrepeat(samp)N should be between 0.0 % and 10.0 %, inclusive.
16. Fate of Fate of Fate of
18. Only one of the three values for Fate of A, Fate of B, and Fate of C can be positive.
19. All three values for Fate of A, Fate of B, and Fate of C cannot be less than zero.

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NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department.
The Semiconductor and Dimensional Metrology Division is within the Physical Measurement Laboratory.
The MEMS Measurement Science and Standards Project is within the Nanoscale Metrology Group.

Date created: 2/10/2008
Last updated: